
Nobel's International Access Numbers for Low Calling Rates

Certain destinations have multiple access numbers from which you can select. Where listed, additional rates will apply. These will be automatically deducted from your calling card plan balance. Access numbers should only be used from the originating country. When using a Local Access Number from a different location, the rate from the originating country will apply.

Search for International Access Numbers

Enjoy Prepaid international calling card plans offer over 350 local or 800 access numbers, however if you do not find a region listed, you may email us with a request for a new 800 number. New 800 access numbers are continuously added based on demand for a particular region.

USA 800 Access Numbers

Phone Number Pinless Dialing Additional Rate Per Minute Allowed Access
Landline Payphone Mobile Hotels Payphones Mobiles
1-888-783-3711   $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 allowed allowed allowed
1-888-783-6569   $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 allowed allowed allowed

USA access numbers for Enjoy Prepaid Calling Cards

City (NDD+City Code) Local Number Pinless Dialing Additional Rate Per Minute
Landline Payphone Mobile
Local Access Number 0016465582892 allowed $0 $0 $0

USA Local Access Numbers

Mobile and Unlimited Long Distance Access Numbers (1+213)406-8888 (English) (1+213)405-8888 (English, Pinless dialing) (1+213)415-8888 (Spanish) (1+213)412-8888 (Spanish, Pinless dialing)

Get up to 118% more minutes by dialing a Local Access Numbers instead of Enjoy Prepaid's 888 numbers.

Click here to find United States local access numbers for approximately 4,000 different cites and save! If you are unsure whether an access number is a free call, check with your cellular or local telephone service provider to verify that you have unlimited, domestic U.S., long distance service.


Some locations may not offer 800 access.

Some phones need to be enabled for 800 access. Check with your local PTT.

Rates listed on the card used are based on using our Local Access Numbers. The above Additional rates apply to the rates listed depending on Access Number used. The customer is liable for any calling charges incurred by dialing local access numbers, please check with your telephony provider for details on these charges. Local access numbers are expressed in national dialing pattern. For national dialing (outside of the city) use the number with the NDD+City Code; when dialing from within the city do not use NDD+City Code.

Access numbers should only be used from the corresponding originating country. When using an Access Number from a different location, the rate from the originating country will apply. Where listed, additional rates apply to the ones listed on the card depending on Access Number used.

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Enjoy Prepaid is a division of NobelOne Inc.

Copyright © 1998 - 2025, NobelOne Inc.. All rights reserved.

NobelOne Inc., 200 Continental Drive, Suite 401, Newark, DE 19713, USA